Author: Jan Feryna (page 2)

U.S. Intelligence Community Threat Assessment

U.S. Intelligence Community Threat Assessment

The U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) recently published its annual threat assessment for 2024. This document gives an approximate outlook of the main threats to the United States and…

22. 03. 2024
Iran just tested a ship-based missile fired from a shipping container

Iran just tested a ship-based missile fired from a shipping container

According to the latest report, Iran just tested a missile launched from a civilian shipping container. This, together with the fact that Russia uses similar technology, could have…

29. 02. 2024
Iranian ballistic missiles in Russia as an implication for Europe

Iranian ballistic missiles in Russia as an implication for Europe

According to the latest reports, Iran has supplied Russia with short-range ballistic missiles. Although at first sight this may not be worrying news, given the past cooperation between…

27. 02. 2024
Is the Alliance deterrence strategy still credible?

Is the Alliance deterrence strategy still credible?

The deterioration of the global security situation and the increase in conflicts that affect global development may point to the fact that it is worthwhile for our adversaries…

14. 02. 2024
The Red Sea as a lesson for Europe

The Red Sea as a lesson for Europe

In the wake of the actions of the Yemeni terrorist movement Ansar Allah, an international coalition of states was formed in late 2023 under Operation Prosperity Guardian…

01. 02. 2024
Japan´s changing defense strategy

Japan´s changing defense strategy

One of the most profound changes in defense policy and military spending is currently occurring in the Indo-Pacific, particularly Japan. This country is profoundly changing…

25. 01. 2024
Analyzing China's desert warships: A strategic move against the U.S. Navy

Analyzing China's desert warships: A strategic move against the U.S. Navy

In the vast expanse of the Taklamakan Desert in northwestern China, an unusual sight can be seen: replicas of US warships, including aircraft carriers and destroyers, nestled…

17. 01. 2024
Chinese actions in the South China Sea

Chinese actions in the South China Sea

People´s Republic of China (PRC) deploys its maritime militia in the South China Sea to support its territorial claims and as a tool for gray-zone warfare against other South…

04. 01. 2024
The Mojave drone proves its capabilities

The Mojave drone proves its capabilities

The mojave drone is a new drone that could give the United States and allies a decisive advantage under the Agile Combat Employment concept in a potential conflict with China and…

28. 12. 2023
Chinese aircraft carrier catapult testing in context

Chinese aircraft carrier catapult testing in context

PLA Navy recently tested the electromagnetic catapult of the newest carrier. Although this does not mean that the carrier is ready to deploy, it is a huge step for the PLA…

22. 12. 2023
Chinese military helicopter program is to be followed with interest: AI, Internet of Things, 5G connectivity

Chinese military helicopter program is to be followed with interest: AI, Internet of Things, 5G connectivity

China is pursuing an ambitious long-term program to develop a fleet of cutting-edge military helicopters capable of competing technologically with the fleets…

18. 12. 2023
Loitering munitions are not losing their relevance on the modern battlefield

Loitering munitions are not losing their relevance on the modern battlefield

Loitering munitions or kamikaze drones play a significant role on the Ukrainian battlefield, as evidenced in particular by the Russian upgrade of the widely used…

11. 12. 2023