Author: Oliver Jahn

The attempted coup in Bolivia has failed. The president ordered it, say the general and opponents

The attempted coup in Bolivia has failed. The president ordered it, say the general and opponents

Bolivia has experienced an attempted military coup, however it was stopped in its early days. A country with a history of coups and revolutions witnessed the march…

03. 07. 2024
Russia boasts of hypersonic missiles. But it has few of them and systematically persecutes their developers and accuses them of treason

Russia boasts of hypersonic missiles. But it has few of them and systematically persecutes their developers and accuses them of treason

The Russians have already used dozens of Kinzhal hypersonic missiles in Ukraine and in at least one case Zirkon. Vladimir Putin himself likes to boast about this type…

18. 06. 2024
France sent more troops to New Caledonia. Independence riots play into China's hands

France sent more troops to New Caledonia. Independence riots play into China's hands

Seven dead, hundreds arrested and many buildings destroyed and cars burned. This is the record of the latest pro-independence riots in the Pacific French territory of New…

15. 06. 2024
USA: The Israelis are not crossing the line in Rafah. The tragic deaths of civilians may have been caused by the ignition of a weapons depot

USA: The Israelis are not crossing the line in Rafah. The tragic deaths of civilians may have been caused by the ignition of a weapons depot

For the first time, the Israeli army has entered the centre of the southernmost Gaza Strip town of Rafah with tanks as part of its ongoing offensive against Hamas terrorists. The…

14. 06. 2024
Ukrainians repelled a Russian attack near Kharkiv. Just the first of several waves, Zelensky fears

Ukrainians repelled a Russian attack near Kharkiv. Just the first of several waves, Zelensky fears

The Ukrainian army has managed to stabilise the situation in the area of Kharkiv, the second largest city there, and halt the Russian advance at the level of the first lines…

23. 05. 2024
U.S. aid to Ukraine has the green light. Russia steps up attacks, ground drones enter the war

U.S. aid to Ukraine has the green light. Russia steps up attacks, ground drones enter the war

The nearly $61 billion aid package for Ukraine has finally passed the U.S. legislative approval process. According to U.S. President Joe Biden, the first part of the aid, a third…

03. 05. 2024
Iran's attempted sneak attack did not surprise Israel or its allies. Jerusalem is now considering a response

Iran's attempted sneak attack did not surprise Israel or its allies. Jerusalem is now considering a response

An underestimation of Israeli and Western preparations, a demonstration of inadequate technology, or an unintended display of its own incompetence - that is how analysts…

18. 04. 2024
Russia knew about the impending IS attack in advance. In addition to the US, close ally Iran should have warned it

Russia knew about the impending IS attack in advance. In addition to the US, close ally Iran should have warned it

New revelations about the terrorist attack at a concert hall in Krasnogorsk, on the outskirts of Moscow, which killed at least 144 people at the end of March - the…

03. 04. 2024
NATO is richer for Sweden. What does this 32nd member state bring to the Alliance?

NATO is richer for Sweden. What does this 32nd member state bring to the Alliance?

Sweden will soon officially become the 32nd member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This is almost two years after the Nordic country submitted its official application (18 May…

07. 03. 2024
EU launches naval mission in the Red Sea

EU launches naval mission in the Red Sea

EU foreign ministers approve a naval defence mission in the Red Sea. The aim is to restore and protect freedom of navigation in the area, which has been terrorised…

03. 03. 2024
Ukraine wants to gain drone superiority over Russia. It will build up to a million of its own UAVs capable of hitting Moscow

Ukraine wants to gain drone superiority over Russia. It will build up to a million of its own UAVs capable of hitting Moscow

Ukraine plans to produce its own long-range drones this year, capable of hitting targets deep in the Russian interior - including Moscow or St. Petersburg. Over the next year…

25. 02. 2024
Russia is losing more and more aircraft. The next blow to the Russian Air Force will be dealt by F-16s

Russia is losing more and more aircraft. The next blow to the Russian Air Force will be dealt by F-16s

The recent crash of a Russian Il-76 military aircraft in the Belgorod region near the border with Ukraine has brought, besides the question marks over the crew composition, another tangible…

30. 01. 2024